I try to keep the impact of this website as low as possible. This keeps the website simple and energy consumption low. CO2 emissions from global internet consumption are estimated to be somewhere between 3.5% and 3.8%. This is comparable to aviation emissions. That is why I think it is important to be energy-conscious in my internet use too.
What I take into consideration:
– Number of images and pictures: Each object has to be loaded and that costs energy
– Size of images: right choice of format and size. For example, PNG is always larger than JPG but usually not needed
– Fonts: if you use non-standard fonts, these have to be downloaded by the user first. So I only use standard fonts.
– Less is more: what belongs on this website and what does not? For example, I don’t use videos.
For the highly technical gadgets for keeping my website’s energy requirements low, my friend helps me.
Other digital choices I make to reduce my digital impact:
– not putting a logo in the signature of my e-mails.
– not sending my portfolio by e-mail but linking to my portfolio on this site.
– play music from my laptop instead of streaming it.